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Breast Lift

Breast lift surgery (mastopexy) can address drooping breasts. Gravity, aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and genetics can cause the breasts to begin to sag and look deflated. This procedure tightens breast tissue, removes excess skin, and lifts the breasts to a more youthful elevation on the chest.

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Who Is a Candidate for a Breast Lift?

Women who are unhappy with the degree of ptosis (sagging) in their breasts may be good candidates for a breast lift. You should have realistic expectations for your results, be a non-smoker, and be in good general health. If you experience any of the following conditions, you may be a good candidate:

  • Sagging or deflated breasts
  • Stretched nipples and areolas
  • Loose breast skin

What Does a Breast Lift Entail?

Breast lift surgery is an outpatient procedure performed under general anesthesia. If there is only a small amount of sagging, the procedure may be done using an incision made around the edge of the areola. More extensive correction is done using the “anchor” incision, which begins around the areola and continues vertically down the underside of the breast and then horizontally along the breast crease.

Once the incisions have been made, fat and breast tissue are tightened and repositioned. Any excess skin is removed, and the incisions are closed using sutures. The incisions and techniques used will depend on the degree of sagging and amount of loose skin present. Your options will be discussed during your consultation.

Mommy Makeover

For a more dramatic result, you can combine this procedure with a breast augmentation, tummy tuck, and/or other procedures for a full Mommy Makeover. This combination of procedures is common for mothers who would like to restore their pre-pregnancy bodies.

Breast Lift Recovery

Surgical dressings will be applied, and a compression garment will be given to you to help minimize swelling and promote circulation and healing. Drains may also be placed to help prevent fluid build-up. You will experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising, but these should dissipate within a week or two. Prescribed medication can be taken to remedy any pain. Many patients can return to work after one week, but more strenuous activities should be avoided for up to a month. Follow your post-operative instructions carefully and contact your doctor should you experience any complications.

Breast Lift Results

The breasts will be firmer and lifted to a higher position on the chest. As your body heals and any swelling goes down, you will begin to see your final results. Breast lift surgery is designed to provide long-lasting results, but weight fluctuations, additional pregnancies, and the natural aging process will still affect the condition of your breasts. Following a healthy lifestyle can help prolong your results. Results may vary from patient to patient.


Phone: (281) 351-9823

Fax: (954) 442-5191

455 School St. Ste 49
Tomball, TX 77375

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